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    From the Gaping Void

    Food for thought

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    April 03, 2013


    James Hurman

    He's awesome, right. I played his TED talk to our suits the other day... what's genius about it is that you can fuck something up with a client's experiencing self and then do something awesome to address the problem, and their remembering self doesn't fire you.


    funny you should mention that mate..

    Rock ON FX


    Rock on indeed Faris. As usual I'm living in your exhaust fumes:)


    Yes, yes, thrice yes. A great and timely course-correction. Thank you.

    (The creation, sustaining and enriching of memories that are easily accessed in consumption and purchase occasions is I'd argue, THE primarily contribution of advertising)

    Ryan Wiemer

    Very interesting that you bring this up. I don't know if I ever looked at advertising in that way. I think that it is one of the main faults of us in the industry to never give ourselves the credit to think our stuff can last longer than its short run. Maybe it can if we just allow it to.


    Very timely.
    Now don't leave it another year please.

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