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    From the Gaping Void

    Food for thought

    « Two brands (and one thing) that nailed it this year at SXSW | Main | Where are the new radicals? »

    March 27, 2012



    For sure.

    The sooner we start treating these communities as R&D feedback loops and stop inventing tenuous "value" chains the better.


    Reminds me of this gem:

    "To be honest, people's brand opinions are usually a product of whether they buy the brand or not, rather than the reverse." @rorysutherland


    did you see what Byron Sharp said last week:

    Paul McEnany

    Yeah, they constantly tout that stuff. Drives me nuts. It's always used as - and therefore you need to get more fans on Facebook, as if those new fans would magically spend more, too.

    Hugh de Winton

    Hi Gareth, hope you're good

    totally agree with your suspicion - if you haven't already check out this incredible post from martin weigel, bit long but he nails it.


    Rosser Reeves innit ?


    I think it doesn't matter. What matters is that the "fans" are spenders. Who cares which came first, the chicken or the egg. It's simple: fans spend more. So keep in front of them on FB. Remind them of your brand. Promote your brand. Give deals to your fans. In the end, it's another marketing avenue that currently has huge financial payoffs.

    Con Frantzeskos

    Facebook: Non causa pro causa

    Vail CO vacation rentals

    Really, they regularly list that products. Pushes me nut products. It's always used as - and therefore you need to get more lovers on Myspace, as if those new lovers would amazingly invest more, too.

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